Overall trends in the data
- The majority of respondents plan to increase investments in fatigue management software and collision avoidance/proximity detection technologies.
- 60% or more of mines have already invested in mine management-related software and technology.
- Technology with the lowest presence on sites include real-time video training, and remote-control equipment/machine automation.
- Environmental monitoring investments are set to increase for those working in coal and precious metal mines.
- Only 12% of respondents currently use autonomous vehicles, and only 6% are planning to implement autonomous vehicles on site in the coming two years.
- South African mines have a higher rate of planned investments in vehicle-related technology than other African nations.
- Safety is the number-one driver of technology investment. No matter how data analyzed, safety continually drives the need to invest in technology.
In July to September 2014,
Publisher surveyed 108 mine managers, maintenance managers, procurement
managers and other key decision-makers in over 100 operating African mines. The
survey primarily assessed heavy mobile equipment, however respondents were also
asked about their practices and preferences in areas such as mining software,
technology, and maintenance.
Areas of analysis include:
- Customer priorities for investments in the coming two years, into 12 areas of technology. These include machine automation, mine design software, environmental monitoring, fatigue management, and fleet management to name a few.
- Focus on the responses that outline those who already have the technology on site and wanted to increase investments, and those who do not have the technology on site and want to begin investing.
- In depth analysis of technology grouped into either mine management software or vehicle related technologies. With the two major technology categories analysed across a range of areas. Respondents are divided between the commodities they produce, with the main sectors being precious metals, base metals and coal mines. Also mine types are looked into, with respondents opting between having surface or underground mining operations.
- Regional comparisons are made between respondents in both of these technology categories. South Africa is a world leader in mining and those respondents from the region are compared with the rest of Africa.
- Outlining the position companies have on utilizing autonomous vehicles in their operations from the coming 2 to 10 years. Insight into investments into this important area between particular commodities, regional comparison with South African respondents and those from the rest of Africa.
- Technology Investment Priorities in African Mining, 2014 published by Publisher’s Mining Intelligence Centre, provides readers with a detailed analysis of investment intentions in 12 areas of technology in the African mining sector. The analysis is based upon Publisher’s survey of 108 mine managers, procurement managers and other key decision-makers, and focuses in particular on mine management and vehicle-related technologies.
Reasons to Buy
- Understand what factors most influence technology investment, and how this varies by company size and type.
- Target the segments with the highest opportunity for technology products and services, based on mine type, region, company size and commodity.
- Segment the market according to those full invested, those partially invested and those not considering investment in each technology.
Key Highlights
- The top two areas for future technology investment are fatigue management and collision avoidance/proximity-detection tools. These technologies tackle safety issues faced by operators on a day to day level.
- A significant share of companies in South Africa have invested and are planning further investments into vehicle-related technologies, when compared with the rest of Africa. Of the 19% that had yet to invest in fleet management technologies, all were considering doing so within the next two years.
- South African mines, in comparison to those in other African nations, had invested far more in mine-site technologies and a large proportion of mines had already full invested in a number of technologies with no further investments were planned. In particular, 38% had full invested in mine scheduling and optimization software and 35% in mine design and modelling software.
- Only a small percentage of respondents have autonomous vehicles currently active on site (12%). With an even smaller percentage (6%) considering implementing the technology in the coming 2 years. A large proportion, 38%, do not expect to autonomous vehicles at their mines in the foreseeable future.
Spanning over 41 pages, 19 Tables and 28
Figures “Technology Investment Priorities
in African Mining, 2014” report Covering Executive Summary, Technology
Investments and Intentions In Africa, Technology Investments and Intentions for
Mine Management, Technology Investments and Intentions for Vehicles, Safety is
the Key Driver of Technology Investment, Appendix. This report Covered 6
Companies - Caterpillar, Anglo American, BHP Billiton, Sandvik, De Beers
Consolidated Mines (Finsch Diamond Mine), Atlas Copco.
Know more
about this report at – http://mrr.cm/ZvE
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at: http://www.marketresearchreports.com/mining
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