Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Canadian Mining Industry Profiles (Metals and Minerals) Now Available From

Canadian Mining Industry Profiles (Metals and Minerals) Now Available From

Leading Market Research Reports distribution platform has announced inclusion of new series of reports on Canadian Mining Industry Reports in their database.

The new Canadian Industrial Sector Profiles provide a comprehensive overview of the state of industry in Canada. Profiles of the majority of the major metals/minerals that are mined in Canada are included in this series

A total of approximately 30 separate industry profiles are being prepared covering individual sectors in the resource extraction and manufacturing industries.

The products covered in this report are:
1. Antimony.
2. Asbestos.
3. Barite.
4. Bismuth.
5. Cadmium.
6. Cesium, Tantalum and Lithium.
7. Cobalt.
8. Copper.
9. Diamonds.
10. Gold.
11. Gypsum.
12. Ilmenite.
13. Indium.
14. Iron Ore.
15. Lead.
16. Magnesite and Magnesium Oxide.
17. Molybdenum.
18. Nepheline Syenite.
19. Nickel.
20. Niobium.
21. Peat.
22. Phosphate Rock.
23. Platinum Group Metals.
24. Potash.
25. Potassium Sulphate.
26. Salt.
27. Sodium Sulphate.
28. Tungsten.
29. Uranium.
30. Zinc. 

Each sector profile covers such topics as descriptions of relevant facilities participating in the sector in Canada, annual capacity and production levels, comparison of Canadian production to global production, future developments in the sector in Canada, international trade, employment, etc. Profiles range in length from 5-15 pages and on average are 10 pages in length. Each of the profiles is structured similarly, covering such topics as:

 (i) Profile of the actual mines/metallurgical complexes in Canada for the metal/mineral;
(ii) Identification of national, provincial/territorial and facility-specific production levels (where available);
(iii) Comparison of Canadian and global production of the metal/mineral and Canada's percentage of global production;
(iv) Global reserves of the metal/mineral and the percentage that Canada represents of those reserves;
(v) Potential future developments in Canada in terms of new mines for the metal/mineral being planned/proposed;
(vi) Canadian international trade in the metal/mineral;
(vii) Employment in the industry in Canada, both nationally and by mine/metallurgical complex (where available);
(viiI) Industry associations representing the industry domestically and internationally; and
(ix) End-use applications for the metal/mineral. 

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