Textile fibers are divided into two
broad categories such as (i) Natural and (ii) Manmade. Natural fibers can
be further subdivided into fibers of plant origin (such as cotton and linen)
and fibers of animal origin (such as silk and wool). Similarly, the
man-made fibers are divided into inorganic and organic fibers. Inorganic
fibers are materials such as ceramic, glass and carbon (not used for fabric
production). Most organic man-made fibers, on other hand, are used in
fabric production and then garment & other household items production. The
products from the organic fibers are mainly substitutes as complements to
natural fibers. Organic fibers are further subdivided into natural and
synthetic polymers.
Natural polymers (often called
cellulose) are made from wool; pulp and most common of them are viscose, (known
as rayon). The synthetic polymers are made from crude oil and most common
of this polymer is polyester, acrylic and polyamide (known as nylon).
Cotton has been a dominant fiber in cloth production since time immemorial. Due
to technological advancement and dedicated research in the field of fiber
science, mankind has reduced its dependency on the natural fibers. Cotton and
other natural fibers mainly wool enjoyed the monopoly in textile production for
almost a century since the birth of manmade fibers. In 1994, the manmade fibers
contributed over 50 percent to the total consumption of the world.
In 2010, the Share (%) of manmade fiber
in the total consumption is around 65 percent. Cellulosic and Non
cellulosic are the two components of the manmade fibers. The Share (%) of
Non cellulosic fibers in the total consumption in the world is 59 percent and
polyester is the major contributor to the non cellulosic fiber consumption.
Currently, the cotton and polyester together account for more than two thirds
of global fiber consumption.
In the recent past that is during
1991-2000 period, the Share (%) of the polyester, nylon and acrylic to the
total manmade yarn/staple production was recorded at 68.69, 19.49 and 11.81
percent respectively. The polyester yarn/staple production grew at an
impressive Average (2004-13) annual growth rate of 6.77% during 2001-2009
periods whereas the nylon and acrylic yarn/staple production shrank at the rate
of 1.30 percent and 4.09 percent respectively. This shows the ever increasing
demand for the polyester staple/yarn from the consumers. In 2009, the world
production of manmade fibers was 46.26 million tonnes and synthetics contribute
94 percent to the total production.
Filament yarn contributes around 61
percent of the manmade fiber production. Polyester is the major fiber used in
production of textiles in the world. It contributes around 84 percent of the
total synthetics production. Keeping these aspects in mind it is necessary to
provide an in-depth analysis of the supply and demand dynamics of Polyester
staple/yarn in the world.
The objective, methodology and scope of
the report
Objective of the
report is to examine-
(i)The status and trends of polyester
more specifically that of staple and filament besides the intermediates to
produce polyester
a.Status of world’s total polyester staple/filament supply, their
components such as production and imports; and also their trends
b.Status and trends in consumption and exports
c.The export/import price trends of polyester staple and filament and
other raw materials
(ii)To examine the polyester futures
till 2020 in terms of the projected production, exports and imports.
The report sourced data from authentic
published sources and analysis was carried out through simple quantitative
measures. For the purpose of projection for the future years, an
exponential model has been employed. The models appropriateness has been
established through the high degree of co-efficient of determination (usually
referred to as R2 value).
The report gives the current status of
polyester staple, filament and other raw materials for the production of
polyester (mentioned in the objective) in the world and principal countries
therein. The report also projects the future indicators such as production,
exports and imports for the period till 2020.
Report Structure: The report is divided
into four chapters.
Chapter-I : has brought out the
objectives, the methodology, data source and important analytical methods
applied besides the limitation of the study.
The chapter-II: examines the major
trends in the world’s total supply and demand of raw materials used in the
production of polyester such as Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), Paraxylene
(PX) Ethylene, Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) and Di-methyl Terephthalate
(DMT). The total supply components such as production and imports have
been analyzed through their trends and Shares. Further, this section also
discusses the end use trends of consumption as well as the exports.
The Chapter-III: brings out the trends
in the production and trade trends of Polyester staple and filament. The
filament trade is further divided in two segments the one which discusses the
trade of polyester filament used in textile fabrics and the other used in
industrial textiles.
The Chapter-IV: forecasts the total
supply and its major components such as the productions and imports; and in the
same manner, the end use and its components such as the exports.
Spanning over
182 pages, “Global Polyester Report -
Trade Trends in Polyester and its Raw Material, and Global Production &
Market Forecast” report covers Introductory Information, Global Production
And Trade Trends In Polyester Fiber Intermediates, Global Production And Trade Trends In Polyester,
Global Production And Trade Futures.
For more information visit: http://mrr.cm/oZD
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