Tuesday 23 February 2016

Pakistan Agribusiness Report Q2 2016; New Report Launched

Pakistan Agribusiness Report Q2 2016

We take a cautious view of the prospects for the Pakistani agribusiness sector. There are numerous challenges facing producers of all commodities covered by this report, chief among them a dire security situation, erratic power supply, lack of availability of finance and vulnerability to extreme weather events. The sugar industry is the sub-sector we view as least promising due to its high production costs and poor relations between growers and processors.

Nevertheless, the government has taken some positive steps to improve the availability of higher quality seeds for rice, wheat and corn which should raise yields in the medium term. Our expectation for rising prices out to 2020 also gives some grounds for optimism regarding the key export commodities of rice and cotton.

Key Forecasts
  • Cotton consumption growth to 2020: 4.4% to 11.1mn 480lb bales. Favourable trade agreements with the EU have seen an increase in demand from the textile industry, but higher prices will see growth rates moderate in the latter years of the forecast period.
  • Wheat production growth to 2019/20: 9.6% to 28.5mn tonnes. Production growth will be relatively modest as farmers struggle with rising input costs, particularly fertiliser.
  • 2016 real GDP growth: 4.3%. Up from 4.2% in 2015. Forecast to grow annually by 4.2% to 2020.
  • Consumer price inflation (ave): 4.5% in 2016 (unchanged from 4.5% in 2015).

The Pakistan Agribusiness Report features Publisher Research's market assessment and independent forecasts for production, consumption and trade across core agricultural commodities.

Pakistan Agribusiness Report includes independent commodity price forecasting and analysis for key agricultural outputs, an overview of the agribusiness competitive landscape and a discussion of the downstream context of agricultural production in relation to country food consumption forecasts and composite food and beverage trade forecasts.

Key Benefits
  • Use Publisher's independent industry forecasts to test other views - a key input for successful planning in dynamic agribusiness markets.
  • Apply Publisher's medium-term commodity price analysis to assist with budgetary planning and the identification of investment opportunities and potential risks.
  • Assess the activities and market position of your competitors, partners and clients.

Summary of Publisher’s key industry forecasts and views, highlighting recent changes and key risks to the industry outlook.

Industry SWOT Analysis
Analysis of the major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within the wider agricultural industry.

Supply & Demand Forecasts
  • Divided into sections based on various diverse sectors in the agriculture market, the chapter provides insight into each market’s agricultural industry, centred on sector forecasts to end-2019 for the consumption, production and trade of key commodities.
  • Consumption Forecasts: Accompanied by a discussion of the main drivers of consumption growth: macroeconomic factors, food processing trends, price movements and increasingly, demand from the non-food sector.
  • Production Forecasts: Examine the trends influencing Publisher’s production outlook: global demand, price increases, public and private sector investment and agricultural efficiency improvements.
  • Trade Forecasts: Accompanied by a discussion of the factors influencing a country’s trade in agricultural goods, including domestic demand, global prices and government trade policies.
  • Publisher’s Forecasts: Accompanied by a risks-to-outlook assessment, which examines potential factors that could affect our existing forecast picture and the likelihood of their occurrence.

Publisher’s Commodity Price Analysis
Fundamental and technical analysis of the short- and medium-term price outlook for eight agricultural commodities based on globally recognised benchmarks.

Downstream Analysis
Analysis of headline food and drink forecasts, including total food consumption, per capita food consumption and total sector trade, which provide important downstream intelligence for primary agricultural producers.

Featured Analysis
Includes relevant articles from Publisher’s daily analysis service. These can include: long-term projections on agricultural imports and exports; our perceptions of the impacts of economic slowdown on key companies and subsectors within the Agribusiness industry in a given country; our analysis of fertilizer production; as well as other relevant analysis of recent news and events.

Competitive Landscape
The reports contain information on prominent companies operating in each market.

Key Commodities Covered By The Agribusiness Market
Reports Include: Grains, Dairy, Livestock, Rice, Sugar, Palm Oil, Edible Oils, Coffee, Cocoa, Cotton, Soybean

The Agribusiness reports draw on an extensive network of primary sources, such as multilateral organisations, government departments, industry associations, chambers and company reports.

For more information Visit at: http://mrr.cm/oyM

Find all Agribusiness Report at: http://www.marketresearchreports.com/agribusiness

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