Thursday 19 April 2018

BRICS PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Risk Analysis Market Research Report Launched

BRICS PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Risk Analysis Market

BRICS, originally "BRIC" before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010, is the title of an association of emerging national economies which include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRIC Foreign Ministers at their meeting in New York on 21st September 2010 agreed that South Africa can join BRIC.

BRICS Countries Economy.

In 2011, the eight growth market economies which include the BRICs along with MIST i.e. Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, and Turkey was around $3 trillion, more than the United Kingdom in one year. The combined size of these economies is now approximately that of the US economy, with total annual output reaching $16 trillion, about 25 percent of world economic output.

Report Package:

Advantages of Group Reports:
1- All our reports follow straight forward structure, which will help you design your own metrics and compare common macroeconomic factors.
2- Especially helpful if you are studying group of countries like BRICS, ANZUS, etc.
3- Discount on group reports.

Scope of the BRICS PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Risk Analysis Market Research Reports
  • These reports provide information about key macroeconomic indicators for BRICS.
  • These reports provide PESTELE (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis for BRICS.
  • These reports provide SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis for BRICS.
  • These reports provide risk analysis for BRICS.

For more information and to purchase BRICS PESTEL Analysis Market Research Report please visit:

For more information and to purchase BRICS SWOT Analysis Market Research Report please visit:

For more information and to purchase BRICS Risk Analysis Market Research Report please visit:

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