Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Technology Investment Priorities in Australian Mining, 2014, New Report Launched

Technology Investment Priorities in Australian Mining, 2014

Overall trends in the data revealed:
  • Respondents were asked to review 12 different technology areas ranging from ‘Communication product/systems’ to ‘Real-time video training’. They were then asked if their operations had either invested in the technology or were considering investments, or neither.
  • Investment intentions across these 12 technology areas have been analyzed according to various segmentations, including mine type, company size and commodity type. Identifying different trends based on these different groups.
  • Respondents were specifically asked about their views on the timeframes of autonomous vehicles, whether they saw autonomous vehicles as a viable option at their operation.
  • Finally, Publisher asked respondents their views of what the dominant driver of technology is, and despite ‘Safety’ being consistently ranked as the number one driver, other priorities were identified in our report based on job titles and company size.

In February and March 2014, Publisher surveyed 110 mine managers, maintenance managers, procurement managers and other key decision-makers in over 90 operating Australian mines. For this report Publisher focused on the questions relating to each operation’s current investment intentions for technology and their views on the use of future technology such as autonomous vehicles.

Areas of analysis include:
  • Respondents were asked to review 12 different technology areas ranging from ‘Communication product/systems’ to ‘Real-time video training’. They were then asked if their operations had either invested in the technology or were considering investments, or neither.
  • Investment intentions across these 12 technology areas have been analyzed according to various segmentations, including mine type, company size and commodity type. Identifying different trends based on these different groups.
  • Respondents were specifically asked about their views on the timeframes of autonomous vehicles, whether they saw autonomous vehicles as a viable option at their operation.
  • Finally, Timetic asked respondents their views of what the dominant driver of technology is, and despite ‘Safety’ being consistently ranked as the number one driver, other priorities were identified in our report based on job titles and company size.

Technology Investment Priorities in Australian Mining, 2014 published by Publisher – Mining Intelligence Centre, provides readers with a detailed analysis of current investment priorities in the Australian mining sector. The analysis is based upon Publisher’s survey of 110 mine managers, procurement managers and other key decision-makers.

Reasons to Buy
  • Identify the key areas of mining technology investment, with analysis on factors that drives these investment decisions.
  • Discover the different investment priorities in the Australian mining sector by commodity type, mine type and company size.
  • Understand dominant drives of technology in the Australian mining sector with analysis on different drivers by job title, and company size.

Key Highlights
  • The three top areas for new technology investment are ‘environmental monitoring and emissions management’, ‘equipment health monitoring and diagnostics’ and ‘collision avoidance/proximity detection’.
  • For all three areas, 30% or more respondents are considering investing within the next two years.
  • When asked about the timeframes for using autonomous vehicles, 19% of respondents were already using autonomous vehicles at their mine site, but only a further 15% were planning to use in the next 10 years.
  • As part of the survey, respondents were asked to rank ‘safety’, ‘productivity improvements’ and ‘cost reduction’ in terms of the number one driver for technology investment, with safety found to be the number one driver within the Australian mining industry.

Spanning over 31 pages, Technology Investment Priorities in Australian Mining, 2014” report covering the Technology Investment Intentions, Automation – the Number One Priority for Investment, Safety is the Key Driver of Technology Investment, Action Points and Recommendations, Appendix. The report covered companies are - Caterpillar, Joy Global, Volvo, Komatsu, Hitachi, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Glencore Xstrata, Anglo American, Stawell, De Beers, Codelco.

Know more about this report at : http://mrr.cm/ZPS

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