Friday 11 July 2014

The Global Armored and Counter IED Vehicles Market 2014-2024 - Market Size and Drivers - Market Profile, New Report Launched

The Global Armored and Counter IED Vehicles Market 2014-2024 - Market Size and Drivers - Market Profile

This report provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of the Armored and Counter IED Vehicles market through 2014-2024, including highlights of the demand drivers and growth stimulators for Armored and Counter IED Vehicles. It also provides an insight on the spending pattern and modernization pattern in different regions around the world.

The global armored and counter IED vehicles market valued US$18.4 billion in 2014, and will increase at a CAGR of 3.45% during the forecast period, to reach US$25.8 billion by 2024. The market consists of six categories: APCs, LMVs, IFVs, MRAPs, MBTs and Tactical Trucks.

Reasons to Buy
"The Global Armored and Counter IED Vehicles Market 2014-2024 - Market Size and Drivers: Market Profile" allows you to:
  • Gain insight into the Armored and Counter IED Vehicles market with current and forecast market values.
  • Understand the key drivers and attractiveness parameters of the global Armored and Counter IED Vehicles market.
  • Understand the various factors impacting the growth of the Armored and Counter IED Vehicles market.

Spanning over 40 pages, 2 Tables and 21 figures The Global Armored and Counter IED Vehicles Market 2014-2024 - Market Size and Drivers - Market Profile report covering Introduction, Global Armored and Counter IED Vehicles Market Size and Drivers, Appendix.

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