Friday 18 July 2014

The Rise of Machines - Technology & Market Trends of Service Robots, New Report Launched

The Rise of Machines - Technology & Market Trends of Service Robots

Overview of the service robot technology, including both professional and personal service robots, and the function of each component system of a service robot

Patent data mining procedure and findings, touching on major technology fields and sectors identified through the data mining technique; also included are a simulation of the life cycle of service robot patents as well as top 30 assignees and their R&D strength ranking

A brief outlook for the sales volume and value of the worldwide service robot market from 2010 to 2016.

Spanning Over 30 pages, The Rise of Machines - Technology & Market Trends of Service Robotsreport covering the Technology Overview, Patent Data Mining of Service Robot Technologies, Outlook for the Service Robot Market, Tracking and Observing Highlights, Appendix. The report covered 23 companies - Aethon, Amazon, Construction Robotics, Electrolux, Foxconn, Google, HOBOT, Honda, Intouch Health, Intuitive Surgical, iRobot, Kiva Systems, Komatsu Forest, LG, Microsoft, Neato Robotics, Robmaria, Samsung, Seegrid, Sony, Toshiba, Toyota, VGo Communications

See Table of contents & Purchase this publication at: -

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