Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Finland Business Forecast Report Q1 2015, New Report Launched

Finland Business Forecast Report Q1 2015

Over the short term, we believe Finland’s fiscal situation remains one of the most robust in Europe and do not expect it to suffer from a ratings downgrade in the near future, expecting it to remain one of just four remaining countries in the eurozone to be awarded AAA status from all three major ratings agencies. However, over the longer-term, looming structural challenges pose a threat to public debt dynamics and may impede fiscal flexibility.

Several key sectors, including forestry and papermaking, shipbuilding and telecommunications remain in terminal decline, while high labour costs are acting as a deterrent for investment and importers of Finnish goods, despite strong structural competitiveness. This has cast doubt over the government’s ability to sustainably increase aggregate demand through fiscal stimulus.

Major Forecast Changes
We have downgraded our forecast for Finnish real GDP growth in 2014 and 2015 to -0.1% and 0.9%, from 0.4% and 1.3% respectively, due to weaker external demand as a direct result of the Russian embargo and also due our downgrades to eurozone growth.

The Finland Business Forecast Report helps businesses with market assessment, strategic planning and decision making to promote growth and profitability in Finland and is an essential tool for CEOs, Chairmen, Finance Directors/CFOs, Managing Directors, Marketing/Sales Directors with commercial interests in this emerging market.

Key Uses
  • Forecast the pace and stability of Finland's economic and industry growth through end-2018.
  • Identify and evaluate adverse political and economic trends, to facilitate risk mitigation.
  • Assess the critical shortcomings of the business environment that pose hidden barriers and costs to corporate profitability.
  • Contextualise Finland's country risks against regional peers using Publisher's country comparative Risk Rankings system.
  • Evaluate external threats to doing business in Finland, including currency volatility, the commodity price boom and protectionist policies.
  • The Finland Business Forecast Report by Publisher (Publisher) includes four major sections: Economic Outlook, Political Outlook, Business Environment and Key Sector Outlook.

Economic Outlook:
How will the Finland economic policy-making and performance impact on corporate profitability over 2014-2018?

Publisher provides our fully independent 5-year forecasts for Finland through end-2018 for more than 50 economic and key industry indicators. We evaluate growth, and also forecast the impact of economic management.

Economic Outlook Contents
The Finland Business Forecast Report features Publisher's forecasts with supporting analysis for 2014 through to end-2018, set against government views and Publisher's evaluation of global and regional prospects.

Key Areas Covered:
  • Full 10-year forecasts with data - for key macroeconomic variables including GDP (real growth and per capita), population, inflation, current account balance and the exchange rate.
  • Publisher's comprehensive Risk Rankings system - rates each country worldwide for economic and political risk, and rates the business environment, within a global and regional context.

Written Analysis:
  • Economic Activity - real GDP growth, employment, inflation, consumption (retail sales and confidence).
  • Balance of Payments - trade and investment, current and capital account.
  • Monetary Policy - interest rate trends (bank lending and deposit rates) and inflation (producer price and consumer price).
  • Exchange Rate Policy - currency controls, foreign investment flows, exchange rates and foreign exchange reserves.
  • Fiscal Policy - macroeconomic strategy and policies, government finance and tax reforms.
  • Foreign Direct Investment - approvals, inflows and climate.
  • External Debt - debt profile (short and long-term plus public and private sector exposure).
  • Global Assumptions - forecasts for each year to end-2018 covering: major commodities, growth in key regions, inflation, and interest and exchange rates, in the United States, Japan, China and the eurozone.

Key Benefits
  • Rely upon Publisher's 100% independent forecast scenarios for Finland and underlying assumptions - we take no advertising and are privately-owned.
  • Exploit the benefits of Publisher's comprehensive and reliable macroeconomic database on Finland, sourced and fully maintained by Publisher from an extensive network of private sector, government and multilateral contacts.
  • Gain key insights into the current and future direction of government economic policy, which could significantly affect your company's business prospects, from Publisher's team of analysts and economists.

Political Outlook:
What are the political risks to doing business in Finland over the next 5-years?
Publisher's Finland country Risk Rankings evaluate the short- and medium-term threats to political stability.

Political Outlook Contents
  • SWOT Analysis for the Finland Market - Political Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing Finland.
  • Political Stability and Risk Assessment - Publisher's Risk Rankings assess explicit short- and long-term risks to political stability; latest ankings, rankings and trends for Finland's risk are compared with regional and global averages.
  • Current Administration and Policy-making Publisher assesses the threats to the continuity of economic policy, and likely changes to the business operating environment.

Key Benefits
  • Benchmark Finland's risk profile against its neighbours, the global and regional average, allowing easy comparison of risks between key business markets.
  • Identify, evaluate and anticipate political and security risks to the business environment, and to your company's current operations and future plans.
  • Gain valuable insights into government and policy-making, through Publisher's specialist team of analysts and economists, and their network of private and public sector sources.

Business Environment
  • Business Environment Risk Rankings with SWOT Analysis - Business Environment Risk Rankings for Finland, benchmarked against rankings for regional neighbours.
  • Country Competitiveness - Competitiveness of Finland's business operating environment in supporting corporate growth and profitability, compared with regional neighbours.

Business Environment Contents
  • Domestic Environment - Transparency, cronyism and corruption; labour market flexibility; corporate tax burden; interest rate levels; sophistication of banking sector and stock market; levels of business confidence; infrastructure and IT.
  • Foreign Direct Investment - Analysis of foreign investment regime; foreign ownership laws; attractiveness of business environment to foreign investors.
  • Foreign Trade - Analysis of trading environment, government trade policy, liberalisation measures, tariffs and membership of trade areas.

Key Benefits
  • Assess your company's evolving exposure to country specific operational and business risks, using Publisher's in-depth analysis of the legal and regulatory business environment.
  • Understand your market's comparative strengths and weaknesses in the key areas of commercial infrastructure and business institutions, using Publisher's proprietary global Business Environment Risk Rankings.

Key Sector Outlook
Which industry sectors in Finland will grow fastest, and where are the major investment opportunities in the market?

Publisher's identifies investment opportunities in Finland's high growth industries including automotives, defence & security, food & drink, freight transport, infrastructure, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals & healthcare and telecommunications & IT.

Key Areas Covered:
  • Market Overview - Size and value of each industry with developments over 2009-2013, covering major industry key performance indicators (KPIs) that have impacted company performance.
  • 5-year Industry Forecasts - Forecasts for each year over 2014-2018, using Publisher's proprietary industry modeling technique, which incorporates all key domestic and international indicators - including economic growth, interest rates, exchange rate outlook, commodity prices and demographic trends - to provide fully integrated forecasts across, and within, each industry.
  • Demand- and Supply-Side Data/Forecasts - Publisher's industry data covers both the output of each industry and the domestic demand, offering clear analysis of anticipated import/export trends, as well as capacity growth within each industry.

Key Benefits
  • Target strategic opportunities in high growth industries, which are benefiting from global mega trends, and thus offer strong investment and growth opportunities.
  • Compare the growth path of different industries to identify which are best placed to benefit from domestic and international economic prospects, and which have historically suffered from volatile growth trends - a key indicator of future risks.

Spanning over 23 pages “Finland Business Forecast Report Q1 2015” report covering Executive Summary, Political Outlook, Economic Outlook, Regional Monetary Policy, Key Sectors, Global Assumptions.

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