Monday 18 July 2016

Global Packaging Market to Grow at 5.1% by 2020, Reveals New Market Research Report by NOVONOUS

Global Packaging Market 2016 - 2020

This report provides detailed information about the Global Packaging Industry bifurcated into distinct categories i.e. Flexible, Rigid, & Hybrid. The report also entails a detailed geographical analysis of the Packaging Industry and forecasts the growth trajectory by incorporating key industry drivers and deterrents. The report also identifies the need for focusing on the Packaging Industry by elucidating the key issues such as climate change and the way industry is innovating itself to rein the impact on the global climate health.

A detailed growth forecasts for the overall Packaging Industry by 2020 has also been evince considering the gamut of industry drivers and challenges that plagues the global packaging industry. The report also provides detailed analysis of different segments in the packaging industry such as flexible, rigid, & hybrid with the market size breakage geographical wise and the estimated forecast by 2020. The report identifies the growth drivers and inhibitors for the global packaging industry. The study also identifies various policies and political frameworks that impact the viability of the packaging industry. The report identifies various credit risks, policy risks, and technical risks associated with global packaging industry.

This report has detailed company profiles for 15 key players in the Global packaging industry by giving a short abridgement about their business profile, their positioning in the industry in terms of value chain, firm’s business strategy i.e. product wise as well as process wise, financial performance as of last five years and its estimated growth projections for the next 5 years, & SWOT analysis. This report covers in detail the competitive landscape of the identified key players of the packaging industry so as to evince the competitive position that the firms occupy as against other players of the industry. The report identifies key industry bodies and associations and their role in the Global Packaging market’s growth, sustenance, & the overall industry’s vision.

In order to give a vantage point view for the industry the report also presents the PESTEL, Porter Five Forces, & the SWOT analysis for the complete industry. The report identifies the key challenges faced by new entrants in the industry so as to accentuate the analysis viewpoint regarding the competitive scale of the industry. This report also provides strategic recommendations for policy makers, end users, service providers and investors.

Ambarish Kumar Verma, Managing Director of NOVONOUS Business Consulting Private Limited said “Across all industries, packaging is the common denominator. This reinforces the fact that any change in the ecosystem will have to be substantiated by changes here. The present scenario is calling for sustainability, which is judicious use now for prolonged usage in the future. And the policy makers are responding to it. For sustainability, what is required is conservation, minimal material usage and reduction of wastage in one and all spheres. Here packaging plays a key role.”.

NOVONOUS estimates that Global Packaging Market will achieve annual CAGR of 5.1% till 2020. As per the current market state Rigid Plastic and Corrugated & Solid Board occupies the highest share in terms of the type of packaging that’s employed which is 20% and 18% respectively. However, with the rise in the fraudulent handling of goods the Smart Packaging space is also expected to rise which also helps improving the operational efficiency.

To know more about this newly launched market research report visit “Global Packaging Market 2016 - 2020

Spanning over 170 pages and 121 exhibits, “Global Packaging Market 2016-2020” report presents an in-depth assessment of the industry from 2016 till 2020.

The report has detailed company profiles including their position in packaging market value chain, financial performance analysis product and service wise business strategy, SWOT analysis and key product details for 15 key players namely; Coveris, Amcor, ALPLA, Ball Corporation, Bemis, Berry Plastics Corporation, Crown Holdings Incorporated, Graphic Packaging International, Sealed Air Corporation, Tetra Pak, Mondi, Owens Illinois, Rexam PLC, Silgan Holdings Inc. and WestRock.

Scope of Global Packaging Market 2016 – 2020 Report:

  • This report provides detailed information about Global packaging market and also entails future market forecasts.
  • This report identifies the need for focusing on packaging market sector.
  • This report provides detailed information on growth forecasts for overall Global packaging market up to 2020.
  • This report provides forecast on packaging market by Packaging Type (Flexible, Rigid, Corrugated, Metal, Glass, Aerosol etc) up to 2020.
  • This report provides detailed information on geography wise (Asia pacific, Africa & middle east, Europe, south America and north America) growth forecasts for global packaging market up to 2020.
  • This report provides forecast on packaging market by Industry (Food and Beverages, Personal Care and healthcare)
  • The report identifies the growth drivers and inhibitors for global packaging market.
  • The report identifies various credit, policy and technical risks associated with global Packaging market.
  • This report has detailed profiles 15 key players in Global Packaging market covering their business strategy, future forecasts and SWOT analysis.
  • This report covers in details the competitive landscape in Global Packaging market.
  • This report provides PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) analysis for Global Packaging market.
  • This report provides Porter's Five Forces analysis for Global Packaging market.
  • This report provides SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis for Global Packaging market.
  • This report identifies the key challenges faced by new players in Global Packaging market.
  • This report provides future trends and opportunities for Global Packaging market.
  • This report also provides strategic recommendations for policy makers, end users, service providers and investors.

For more information and purchase this report please visit:

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