As per International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mongolia’s
nominal gross domestic product is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.03% from
it’s 2015 level of MNT 23134.07 billion and reach MNT 45180.64 billion by 2022.
Mongolia, is a landlocked country in east-central Asia.
It is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south, east and west.
Ulaanbaatar, the capital and also the largest city, is home to about 45% of the
population. Mongolia's political system is a parliamentary republic.
Approximately 30% of the population are nomadic or semi-nomadic. At 603,909
square miles, Mongolia is the 19th largest and the most sparsely populated
independent country in the world, with a population of around 3 million people.
It is also the world's second-largest landlocked country after Kazakhstan.
Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization in 1997 and seeks to expand its
participation in regional economic and trade regimes.
Mongolia had estimated population of 3.014 million in the
year 2016 and expected to reach 3.296 million by 2022. Mongolia's unemployment
rate was 7.948% of total labor force.
Mongolia's real gross domestic product (GDP) was around
MNT 16001.83 billions in 2016 whereas the nominal GDP was MNT 23886.41
billions. This resulted in GDP deflator 149.273. Per capita GDP was estimated
at USD 3659.83 whereas purchasing power parity (PPP) based per capita GDP was
estimated to be at USD 12274.89.
In 2016, Mongolia government's revenue was MNT 5651.69
billions whereas the expenditure was MNT 9723.81 billions. This resulted
Mongolian government's net lending / borrowing negative at MNT 4072.12 billion
in 2016 indicating that enough financial resources were not made available by
the government to boost economic growth.
The current account balance for Mongolia was estimated to
be negative at USD 0.449 billions for the year 2016 and is expected to decline
at a CAGR of 9.85% and reach USD 0.905 by 2022. This negative current account
balance indicates the Mongolia is net borrower from the whole world.
of the Mongolia PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Risk Analysis Market
Research Reports
- These reports provide information about key macroeconomic indicators for Mongolia.
- These reports provide PESTELE (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis for Mongolia.
- These reports provide SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis for Mongolia.
- These reports provide risk analysis for Mongolia.
For more information and to purchase Mongolia PESTEL
Analysis Market Research Report please visit:
For more information and to purchase Mongolia SWOT
Analysis Market Research Report please visit:
For more information and to purchase Mongolia Risk
Analysis Market Research Report please visit: https://https//
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